Call (254) 556-3973 in the event of a dental emergency. We will make every effort to see you the same day or direct you to the appropriate specialist.
A dental emergency is a sudden or severe dental problem that requires immediate professional care. Receiving prompt emergency care can prevent dental problems like missing teeth, tooth damage, soft tissue damage, and more. We welcome patients to contact our office so we can pinpoint their problems and find the best solution. Emergency dentistry is one of the general dental services we provide to the public.
Emergency Dentist Services in Groesbeck, TX
Some of our emergency dental services can treat these common dental problems:
Tooth Pain
Toothaches and dental pain are common and highly uncomfortable problems. Hits or breaks in a tooth, wisdom teeth, cavities, and tooth decay are possible causes of tooth pain. At home, you can take pain medication before your visit to our office. We will examine your smile and take other symptoms into account to provide the right treatment for your toothache.
Lost Permanent Tooth
If you have just lost a tooth, try to locate the tooth. Hold it by the top or crown, and avoid touching the roots. Rinse the tooth in cool water. You can try to place the tooth back in its socket and bite down gently. If you cannot place your tooth back, contact our office. Place your tooth in a cup of saliva to transport it to our office. We may be able to place the tooth back if we receive it in a timely manner.
However, if we cannot replace the tooth, we will recommend a single dental implant. Dental implants replace teeth at the root and provide lasting durability.
Broken Restoration
Please get in touch with our office if you break a filling, crown, bridge, denture, or other restoration. Do not try to place the restoration back in your mouth. Bring the broken pieces to our office, and we can help fix the restoration or create a new one for you.
Contact Us Today
Call Groesbeck Family Dental for emergency dental treatment at (254) 556-3973. You can schedule a dental appointment online if you have a dental problem but do not require emergency dental care.