Dental Bridge Groesbeck, TX

A dental bridge consists of a false tooth or teeth that replace a missing tooth or a row of lost teeth. Dental bridges use support from natural crown-capped teeth or dental implants. Bridges are dental restorations that can create a beautiful smile for patients who want to fill a space left by missing teeth. Our Groesbeck, TX office provides dental bridge treatment. Bridges help patients renew their full function, comfort, and look of their smiles. 

Dental Bridge Groesbeck TX

Types of Dental Bridges

Bridges consist of pontics, false teeth, and abutment teeth offering support. We will recommend the best bridge for you based on your number of missing teeth. There are many types of dental bridges to choose from; the most common include:

Traditional Bridge

A traditional bridge is supported on both sides by crown-capped abutment teeth. We prepare natural teeth on either side of a missing tooth gap to secure the false teeth in the bridge. This treatment option benefits patients who want efficient treatment to replace consecutive missing teeth. 

Cantilever Bridge

A Cantilever dental bridge uses the support of a natural tooth on only one side of the missing tooth gap. We may recommend this type of bridge if patients do not have enough support on either side of a missing tooth. Cantilever bridges are also good options for patients with a single missing tooth.

Implant-Supported Bridge

Dental implants are titanium posts that replace missing teeth at the root. Implants keep dental bridges in place because they act as artificial tooth roots. 

Dental implants can support a bridge without preparing natural teeth for dental crowns. You do not need to damage your natural teeth to get a bridge with implants. Bridges secured with implants can last longer than others because of the durable titanium implant posts.

Maryland Bonded Bridge

A Maryland bonded bridge uses a metal or porcelain “wing” bonded to abutment teeth. This wing helps secure a replacement tooth. Maryland bridges do not fully cover adjacent teeth. These bridges benefit patients who require quick treatment and cannot undergo more intensive restorative care. 

Why Should I Get a Dental Bridge?

Restoring missing teeth with a restoration like a bridge can offer many benefits: 

  • Prevent Dental Drift: Dental drift occurs when remaining teeth shift to fill the space left by missing teeth. Even patients missing single teeth can encounter dental drift. Shifting teeth may also cause overcrowding. Restoring missing teeth with a bridge will keep natural teeth in place.
  • Improve Your Smile’s Appearance: Most patients want to replace missing teeth for a fuller smile. Restorations like bridges use porcelain materials that we color-match to natural teeth. Once you receive your bridge, your smile will look fuller. An improved smile can also affect your confidence. 
  • Restore Tooth Function: One or more missing teeth significantly impact tooth function. A missing tooth can create an uneven bite and lead to speech problems. Replacing the gap left by missing teeth allows you to bite and chew comfortably. Restoring missing teeth can also help you pronounce words more clearly. 

Dental Bridge in Groesbeck, TX

We provide traditional and implant-supported bridges in our office. Receiving a bridge can take several visits. If you are a candidate for a dental bridge, we will begin treatment by preparing abutment teeth for dental crowns.

Then, we will take impressions of your teeth. We send these impressions to a dental lab. There, technicians will create the custom dental bridge. We will provide a temporary bridge in the meantime. 

Once the final bridge and crowns are complete, we will secure them. It will take two weeks to adjust to your new smile. 

You will need more time to recover from treatment if you receive dental implants. After placing the posts, they will take time to heal fully. The posts can take 3 to 6 months to integrate with the natural jawbone. Then, we will place the bridge once the implants are secured. However, dental implants are worth the time for many patients.

If you have lost natural jaw bone due to missing teeth, you may think you aren’t a candidate for dental implants. However, we can recommend bone grafting treatment beforehand. Grafting places healthy bone where it is needed.

Dental Bridge FAQs

Do you have more questions about bridge treatment? Read answers to popular questions about dental bridges below:

How much does a dental bridge cost?

There are multiple factors to consider in the cost of dental bridges. The cost of a dental bridge depends on the number of missing teeth and your type of restoration. We will review your dental bridge cost after a consultation.

How long do dental bridges last?

Your dental bridge can last ten or more years with the right care. However, implant-secured bridges can often last longer than traditional bridges. This is because they replace teeth at the root. 

Does food get stuck under a bridge?

Yes. It is possible to get food stuck under your bridge. If this happens, gently floss beneath your bridge. You can also contact our office if you’re having trouble. Regular brushing and flossing can prevent food and bacteria buildup under your bridge.

How do you care for dental bridges?

Follow these tips to care for your dental bridge properly:

  • Brush twice daily
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Visit the dentist twice a year

When should I get an implant-secured bridge?

We will recommend dental implants if patients have three or more consecutive missing teeth. Patients in good oral health with healthy jaw bones are good candidates for implant bridges. However, we can recommend further dental treatment and bone grafting before patients receive a dental bridge.

Why are my gums sore under my bridge?

You may feel sore gums if you have food trapped under your bridge. An ill-fitting denture can also cause gum pain. Contact the dentist if you feel unusual pain or a change in the fit of your dental bridge.

Restore Missing Teeth Today

Receive dental bridge treatment in Groesbeck, TX. Call Groesbeck Family Dental for restorative dentistry today at (254) 556-3973. You can also request a dental appointment online. Feel free to ask Dr. Todd Collins questions about dental bridges or bridge treatment at your next visit.