Taking Care of Newly White Teeth

Congratulations on achieving that radiant, pearly white smile! Whether you’ve just had a professional teeth-whitening treatment or used an at-home kit, it’s essential to maintain those dazzling results. A simple routine can help you take care of your newly whitened teeth. As a result, you should be able to make your bright smile last. 

Taking Care of Newly White Teeth

Gentle Oral Hygiene Routine

Maintaining your newly whitened teeth begins with a gentle oral hygiene routine. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid abrasive damage to your enamel. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, using a fluoride toothpaste. Remember to brush your tongue as well to eliminate bacteria and keep your breath fresh.

Avoid Staining Culprits

While your teeth may be more resistant to stains after whitening, it’s still crucial to avoid foods and drinks that can dull your newfound brightness. Cut back on coffee, tea, red wine, and colored sodas. If you can’t resist these delights, try using a straw to reduce contact with your teeth.

Hydration is Key

Water is not only essential for your overall health but also for white teeth. Drinking water also helps wash away food particles and prevents staining. So, make it a habit to swish water around your mouth after consuming stain-prone foods and drinks.

Choose Whitening-friendly Snacks

Snacking can be a delightful pastime. But, it’s essential to make tooth-friendly choices. Opt for crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery. These foods also stimulate saliva production, which helps cleanse your mouth naturally.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure your teeth stay healthy and white. Professional cleanings can remove surface stains that may build over time. Your dentist can also provide advice on keeping your bright smile and address any concerns you may have.

Use a Whitening Toothpaste

Try a whitening toothpaste into your oral care routine. These help maintain the brightness of your teeth between whitening sessions. Furthermore, look for products with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval for added confidence.

Mindful Habits

Certain habits can contribute to teeth stains. Avoid smoking and limit your alcohol intake, as both can stain your teeth. If you engage in these habits, quitting or reducing them can also positively impact the longevity of your results.

Protect Your Teeth

If you participate in contact sports or grind your teeth at night, consider using a mouthguard to protect your newly whitened smile. These guards also act as a shield to prevent potential damage to your teeth.

Limit Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acidic foods and drinks can erode tooth enamel over time, leading to stains. Limit your intake of citrus fruits, vinegar-based dressings, and acidic beverages. If you do consume them, rinse your mouth with water afterward to help neutralize the acidity. As a result, you can protect your enamel.

Touch-up Treatments

Depending on the method used for whitening, touch-ups may be necessary to maintain your desired brightness level. Consult with your dentist about touch-up options and how often they are recommended for your specific whitening treatment.